We’re sorry, but we can’t find your credit score. Our system requires a certain amount of information to generate your credit score. This is to ensure that your personal information is always safe and secure. Trying again won’t cost you anything!
Using your driver’s licence as identification is a good way to ensure that you’ll get accurate results, every time.
Make sure that your address entered is your most recent so that we won’t have any trouble recognising you.
Before you press submit, double check that all of the information you have entered is correct and up to date.
By giving us as much information as you can, you’re making sure that our system can safely prove your identity before giving out your credit score.
Our vision is to make it simple and easy for every Australian to get the funding they need to achieve their big life goals.
National Home Loans Group Pty Ltd trading as Tiger Finance | ABN 57 168 971 346
Tiger Finance Credit Representative: Kiara Patricia Halley | Credit Licence: 468465
*Interest Rates: Conditions, fees and charges apply. Interest rates are subject to change and will vary. We cannot guarantee that the interest rate advertised on our website will be the one offered to you. Interest rates offered will be dependant on your situation.
*Consolidating high-interest personal loans and credit cards into a lower-interest home loan may result in significant savings on interest for some consumers. However, this solution may not be suitable or accessible to everyone.
*The approval timeframe is varied. Approval time is subject to change depending on your circumstances or loan type. Processing times may be subject to your lender.